Example of this is the human skin recognition.
There are two basic techniques in segmentation; (1) Probability Distribution Estimation and (2) Histogram Backprojection.
The image and the used in this activity is shown below:
Figure 1. The original image
Figure 2. Sample from the original image
Probability Distribution Estimation
In this technique, a sample from the original image is cropped from the original image. Per pixel, the r value and the g of both the original image and the cropped image are normalized by dividing it to the sum of r, g and b values of that pixel. The probability that the the r value and the g value of the original image belong to the ROI is given by the equation:
Equation 1
The resulting ROI is shown below:Figure 3
Histogram Backprojection
In this technique, the 2D histogram of the portion of the original image was obtained. The obtained histogram was normalized to obtain the probability distribution function(PDF). The r and the g values of the original image per pixel were back-projected (or replaced) by finding the r and the g values from the PDF. The resulting image is shown below:
In this technique, the 2D histogram of the portion of the original image was obtained. The obtained histogram was normalized to obtain the probability distribution function(PDF). The r and the g values of the original image per pixel were back-projected (or replaced) by finding the r and the g values from the PDF. The resulting image is shown below:
Figure 4
Comparing the two techniques, for me the Probability Distribution Estimation is a better technique for segmentation because of the expected ROI was obtained. In contrast to the Histogram Back-projection, not all the expected ROI was obtained.
For this activity, I will give ,myself a grade of 8 because of the late submission.
I would like to acknowledge Abraham Latimer Camba for helping me in the Histogram Back-projection part.
Source code
//First: Segmentation via probability
I = imread("F:\AP 186\act16\pic.jpg");
I2 = imread("F:\AP 186\act16\small.jpg");
n1 = size(I);
r1 = I(:,:,1)./(I(:,:,1)+I(:,:,2)+I(:,:,3));
g1 = I(:,:,2)./(I(:,:,1)+I(:,:,2)+I(:,:,3));
b1 = I(:,:,3)./(I(:,:,1)+I(:,:,2)+I(:,:,3));
r2 = I2(:,:,1)./(I2(:,:,1)+I2(:,:,2)+I2(:,:,3));
g2 = I2(:,:,2)./(I2(:,:,1)+I2(:,:,2)+I2(:,:,3));
b2 = I2(:,:,3)./(I2(:,:,1)+I2(:,:,2)+I2(:,:,3));
pr = (1/(stdev(r2)*sqrt(2*%pi)))*exp(-1*((r1-mean(r2)).^2/(2*stdev(r2))));
pg = (1/(stdev(g2)*sqrt(2*%pi)))*exp(-1*((g1-mean(g2)).^2/(2*stdev(g2))));
new = (pr.*pg);
//Second: Segmentation via Histogram
r2_1 = floor(r2*255);
g2_1 = floor(g2*255);
n = size(r2);
Hist = zeros(256,256);
for i = 1:n(1)
for j =1:n(2)
x = r2_1(i,j)+1;
y = g2_1(i,j)+1;
Hist(x,y) = Hist(x,y) +1;
Hist = Hist/max(Hist);
r1 = round(r1*255);
g1 = round(g1*255);
for i = 1:n1(1)
for j = 1:n1(2)
T(i,j) = Hist(r1(i,j)+1,g1(i,j)+1);
imwrite(new/max(new),"F:\AP 186\act16\1_1.jpg");
imwrite(T,"F:\AP 186\act16\2_2.jpg");
For this activity, I will give ,myself a grade of 8 because of the late submission.
I would like to acknowledge Abraham Latimer Camba for helping me in the Histogram Back-projection part.
Source code
//First: Segmentation via probability
I = imread("F:\AP 186\act16\pic.jpg");
I2 = imread("F:\AP 186\act16\small.jpg");
n1 = size(I);
r1 = I(:,:,1)./(I(:,:,1)+I(:,:,2)+I(:,:,3));
g1 = I(:,:,2)./(I(:,:,1)+I(:,:,2)+I(:,:,3));
b1 = I(:,:,3)./(I(:,:,1)+I(:,:,2)+I(:,:,3));
r2 = I2(:,:,1)./(I2(:,:,1)+I2(:,:,2)+I2(:,:,3));
g2 = I2(:,:,2)./(I2(:,:,1)+I2(:,:,2)+I2(:,:,3));
b2 = I2(:,:,3)./(I2(:,:,1)+I2(:,:,2)+I2(:,:,3));
pr = (1/(stdev(r2)*sqrt(2*%pi)))*exp(-1*((r1-mean(r2)).^2/(2*stdev(r2))));
pg = (1/(stdev(g2)*sqrt(2*%pi)))*exp(-1*((g1-mean(g2)).^2/(2*stdev(g2))));
new = (pr.*pg);
//Second: Segmentation via Histogram
r2_1 = floor(r2*255);
g2_1 = floor(g2*255);
n = size(r2);
Hist = zeros(256,256);
for i = 1:n(1)
for j =1:n(2)
x = r2_1(i,j)+1;
y = g2_1(i,j)+1;
Hist(x,y) = Hist(x,y) +1;
Hist = Hist/max(Hist);
r1 = round(r1*255);
g1 = round(g1*255);
for i = 1:n1(1)
for j = 1:n1(2)
T(i,j) = Hist(r1(i,j)+1,g1(i,j)+1);
imwrite(new/max(new),"F:\AP 186\act16\1_1.jpg");
imwrite(T,"F:\AP 186\act16\2_2.jpg");
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