Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The ratio of physical values on x -axis is 0.0005 per pixel
The ratio of physical values on y -axis is 0.0002 per pixel
The pixel location of the origin of the plot is at 30 pixels from the right and 211 below the origin of 314x235 pix picture.

The formulas used to relate the pixel loca
tion to the physical variables:
For x-axis;
[(X axis of the pixel location value)-30]*0.0005

For y-axis;
[211-(Y axis of the pixel location value)]*0.0002

Below are the values I tabulated
X axis of the pixel location Y axis of the pixel location x y
50 149 10 12.4
70 106 20 21
110 76 40 27
150 74 60 27.4
190 83 80 25.6
230 99 100 22.4

The superimposed plot of the scanned hand-written plot and the reconstructed plot

I will grade myself in this activity as 10.


Jing said...

Hi Jorge,
Your work looks good. Please put the journal and paper biblio in your report. I want to know what year and which journal you got this graph from. Also, indicate who helped you or if you did it on your own.

Jorge Michael Presto said...

Billy helped me find the paper. The paper came form the Chemistry Journal but I'm not so sure about the year.